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With the new UNISTELLAR App update version 3.2, you can now download your RAW data directly from your telescope to your computer! Check out this article to learn more.

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What do LED colors mean? (EQUINOX and EVSCOPE)


These are the different colors you can see on your telescope LED:

  • Red or Blue (depending on your telescope's settings): the telescope is ON and ready to connect.
  • Red or Blue blinking (depending on your telescope's settings): your telescope is in use, while performing Goto or stacking.
  • cyan and blinking: the telescope is off and charging. It will blink from 6 times (fully discharged) to constant blue (fully charged).
  • Yellow and blinking: the telescope is being updated.
  • Green and blinking: the data upload is in progress.
  • Green (for 1 minute): the data upload succeeded.
  • Orange (for 1 minute): the data upload failed.
  • Purple: the telescope embedded software is turning ON or OFF.
  • Purple and blinking 5 times: telescope is OFF and doesn't have enough charge to turn ON. You need to charge it.
  • White: an error happened. You should reboot your telescope.

Note: If your LED remains purple or white regardless of your manipulations (you fully charged the unit, and rebooted it several times), please contact our support.

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