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How to Observe the Sun?


With our Smart Solar Filter and the latest UNISTELLAR App, it is now possible to automatically point and track the Sun. This article will walk you through the steps to observe the Sun.


We have a solar filter available for all of our models of telescopes:

The Smart Solar Filter Ø 112mm works for EVSCOPE and EQUINOX.

The Smart Solar Filter Ø 82mm works for ODYSSEY telescopes.


Note: To take advantage of the specific features for solar observation, it is essential to update the application to version 3.0 - How to update the Unistellar App?

You'll find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Sun observation here FAQ: Sun Observation


1 - Set up Your Telescope

Set up the tripod (check the bubble level) and install your telescope on it, keep the dust cap on. Switch the telescope on and connect your smartphone to your unit (these steps are explained in detail in this article: How to get started: setting up your telescope for your first observation).


2 - Select the Sun in the Catalog

Once the telescope is set up and the App is updated, the Sun will be the first object visible in the catalog (during daylight).

Warning: exposure to the Sun without the filter can cause irreparable damage to the sensor.

Tap on the Sun icon in the catalog and tap the Go-to button.

After tapping the Goto button an important tutorial will be displayed, it is crucial that you follow each step to observe the Sun safely. This tutorial will appear whenever you want to watch the Sun, you can skip it once you're familiar with it.


3 - Inspect Your Solar Filter


Check that your Smart Solar Filter is free from scratches or holes, a faulty solar filter could damage your telescope’s sensor.



4 - Install Your Filter

Remove the cap and position the Smart Solar Filter on your telescope (it is safer to do this procedure inside to make sure to not expose the sensor to the Sun without the filter).


5 - Manually Position the Telescope

Unscrew the tripod screws, manually position your telescope mount in the direction of the sun: the structure with the motor must be to your right once you are facing the Sun.

Once the telescope is facing the Sun with the structure with the motor at your right, do not forget to tighten the tripod screws before launching the Goto.


6 - Start the Solar Observation

Now you are ready to observe the Sun, and you can press the Go-to button.

The telescope will automatically align itself with the Sun, which should take less than 2 minutes. Once the go-to is finished and successful, you'll get a confirmation message in the App.

Tap the Dynamic Signal Amplification button (Enhanced Vision) to enhance your observation. You can now experience the beauty of the Sun’s ever-changing activity and observe its striking sunspots and faculae – temporary phenomena on the Sun’s photosphere, created by intense magnetic field flux.

Note: Using the screen of a tablet or phone while observing the Sun with an UNISTELLAR telescope is preferable because the telescope's eyepiece is not optimized for daylight viewing. The screen allows better image clarity, as looking directly through the eyepiece might not provide a comfortable experience when observing during daylight.

Note: You might need to manually adjust the focus wheel at the back of the telescope until you can see the details, as in the capture above.

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