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With the new UNISTELLAR App update version 3.2, you can now download your RAW data directly from your telescope to your computer! Check out this article to learn more.

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Notification Settings Explained


The notification settings allow you to define what type of notification you will receive from the Unistellar app.

To access the notification settings, tap on the settings button (in the top right corner) to go to the settings menu from any main page in the app (Homepage, Catalog, Science, and Gallery).

Once in the settings menu, select Notification.


You can activate/deactivate push notifications.


You can choose the type of notification you want to receive:

  • New Software Update : lets you know when a software update is available
  • News from Unistellar : let you know about general Unistellar news and announcements
  • Citizen Science : to let you know about upcoming science events

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