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With the new UNISTELLAR App update version 3.2, you can now download your RAW data directly from your telescope to your computer! Check out this article to learn more.

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Moon Mode : How to Observe the Moon?



Since the app update 3.0, we have introduced a new observation mode for the Moon : Dynamic Signal Amplification for the Moon. This article will walk you through the steps to observe the Moon.


1 - Select the Moon in the Catalog

Find the Moon in the catalog or the recommended objects on the Homepage, you can also enter “moon” in the search field. 

Note: the Moon icon will display only if the moon has risen above your horizon. 


Tap on the Moon icon in the catalog or the recommended objects on the Homepage


There is a new complete description of the Moon on its object sheet where you’ll learn a lot of interesting facts about this fascinating object. Swipe up on the Moon description page to show more details. 


2 - Go-to Moon

After tapping the Go-to button, the telescope will automatically align itself with the Moon, which should take less than 1 minute. Interacting facts about the Moon will be displayed on the screen during the go-to so you can learn more about this celestial object. Once the go-to is finished and successful, you'll get a confirmation message in the App.


3  - Start your Moon Observation 

In live view, you’ll get a direct view of the Moon at 5 frames per second.  It is the best mode to enjoy the beautiful effect of the air turbulence on the craters of the moon or to catch a transit of the ISS.

If you tap the Dynamic Signal Amplification button (previously called Enhanced Vision), the telescope will greatly improve the contrast and sharpness of the Moon, with a frame rate of 1 frame per second.


This is a capture of the Moon in live view without the Dynamic Signal Amplification (previously called Enhanced Vision) being activated.


This is a capture of the Moon in live view with the Dynamic Signal Amplification (previously called Enhanced Vision) being activated.


It is important to note that this Enhanced Vision (Dynamic Signal Amplification) for the Moon does not work like the Enhanced Vision (Dynamic Signal Amplification) for deep sky objects such as galaxies and nebulae. There is no stacking, the image will not improve over time as it does for deep sky objects, but you'll have a constantly improved image in Live View at a frame rate of 1 frame per second.

Important : The Dynamic Signal Amplification (previously called Enhanced Vision) for Moon can only be activated if the Moon was targeted using the Go-to option. If you target the Moon manually, you won’t be able to use it. 

Note: if you observe with an EVSCOPE or an EQUINOX telescope, you might need to manually adjust the focus wheel at the back of the telescope until you can see the details, as in the capture above.

The ODYSSEY and ODYSSEY PRO telescopes will get much better results on the Moon and other planetary objects because of its Mutli-depth Technology.

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