Since version 2.4 of the UNISTELLAR application, we have integrated Deep Dark Technology to filter out noise and light pollution. This on-board technology in our telescopes automatically eliminates the disturbances caused by city lights, which mask the light signal from celestial objects.
Most of our demos are done in highly light-polluted areas (including the ones shown at the beginning of our Kickstarter video), yet many people were amazed by what they saw.
Of course, the image quality won't be optimal with high light pollution, since the fainter objects will tend to disappear under the light pollution threshold, but you will still see colors and details on many of the brighter nebulae, galaxies, and more.
In general, staying away from streetlights (like going behind a building or trees) is sufficient to enjoy objects like the Dumbbell Nebula, the Ring Nebula, or the Whirlpool Galaxy.
Please make sure to be on a stable floor and away from direct lighting to be able to observe properly. From a balcony, being above streetlights, and having access to at least half of the sky are necessary conditions. A rooftop, a garden, or a dimly lit city park are also good options. However, there is no secret, you better observe from the suburbs or the countryside, this way you’ll get access to more objects. You do see more detail by reducing the signal-to-noise ratio.