The SETI Institute is a California-based private, nonprofit organization dedicated to scientific research, education, and public outreach. Its mission is to explore, understand, and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe, and to apply the knowledge gained to inspire and guide present and future generations.
Presently, we have a non-exclusive partnership via a Memorium of Understanding with the SETI Institute. The SETI Institute is the hub of our science activities, and SETI Institute scientists analyze and process Unistellar observers’ data. For instance, the scientific pipelines and data products are managed by these SETI Institute scientists. Any science data will be available, with your permission, to other institutions and scientists that may be interested for research purposes in efforts to foster the collaborative nature of our Network.
You can find more information about our activities with the SETI Institute here. More resources on our educational and outreach efforts with the SETI Institute can be found here. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns about partnership with scientific institutions.