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With the new UNISTELLAR App update version 3.2, you can now download your RAW data directly from your telescope to your computer! Check out this article to learn more.

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Operator and Observer Status Explained


Since version 2.3 of the Unistellar App, the operator/observer status switch has been upgraded to level up your experience. We secured your telescope’s control system by eliminating any unintentional switch while observing during your star parties.

When you connect to the telescope you can either be the Operator who controls the telescope or an Observer and as such, you will only have access to the view window.

There are two scenarios that allow you to change the Operator status of the telescope (in the Settings menu / instrument): 


  • The person who is in control, i.e. an Operator, releases his/her/their Operator status by clicking the Release button and the person who is an Observer will be able to take control of the telescope by clicking the Request button to become the Operator.


  • The person who is an Observer requests to become the Operator by clicking the Request button and filling up the telescope’s serial number in the password tab.



Note: During a session, as long as the Operator does not release control of his/her/their telescope, other individuals who connect to the telescope will have the Observer status by default.

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