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What to do if the "Go to" button is inactive?


Please ensure you follow all the steps of the Quick Start Guide.

If the "Go to" button is inactive (Go to text is not white) as in the picture below :

It means that either your Unistellar scope is not orientated or the object is not visible in your visible sky area (e.g.: below the horizon).

1. First, check if the LED indicator is red (What do LED colors mean ?). If it is, then your Unistellar telescope is ready to use. Make sure you are the operator.

2. Press on the telescope icon

3. Access the "move" panel, and then press and drag the dot of the joystick

4. Once you see stars on your screen (it's full night, and it's not overly cloudy), please go back and perform the Orientation. The reason is simple: it must do an orientation based on the device's GPS (phone or tablet), so the telescope knows where it's pointing, to begin with prior to accepting a "Go to" command.

5. Choose the desired object in the catalog, now the "Go to" button should be active. 


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